C-Cycling provides previews of all the big races during the season. For most of the stage races, you will find both an overall preview and daily stage previews available every evening prior to the up-coming stage. The latest preview is always on the front page so you don't have to click around to find what you are looking for. If you want to read an old preview, simply go to the "All Previews"-section and pick the race you want to read about. By mousing over the profile on the final part of each race/stage, you will see additional detailed information. This also applies for the big climbs when detailed profiles are available.
About me:
My name is Mikkel Condé. I’ve been reporting on cycling for written and online media outlets for more than 10 years. I started C-Cycling in 2011 as an alternative to all the mainstream cycling sites. Despite a growing list of outlets, I wasn’t able to find solid daily race previews anywhere online. Therefore, I decided to do it myself. This has led to both riders, managers and TV-commentators now frequently use my previews when they are getting ready for the races. I’m constantly trying to improve the previews and I’m always open to suggestions and new ideas. If you have any, please don’t hesitate to let me know. You can contact me on info@c-cycling.com or on Twitter at @mrconde. I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you for visiting C-Cycling!